Interstate Sailing Incorporated
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Welcome to Interstate Sailing, the Southeast US dealer for Expedition tactical sailing and navigation software.
What is Expedition?
- Expedition is software designed for sailing, yacht racing, and/or general navigation. The program has been developed since the mid-1990s by professional navigator Nick White.
- Expedition uses inputs such as instrument data, polar/VPP data, GRIB data, and nautical charts to provide information for advanced yacht racing and passage-making.
- Read more about the history and system requirements of Expedition sailing software here.
Why use Expedition?
- Advanced yacht racers will benefit from features such as:
* Start line module showing the favored end, time to line, and time to burn.
* Time-to, range, and bearing for all marks of the course.
* True and apparent wind angles for all legs of the course.
* Time to each layline.
* Boat performance vs. polar/target speed & angle.
* Sail selection for current leg and subsequent legs.
* Strip chart for real-time or post-race analysis.
- Performance cruising sailors will benefit from many of the racing features, as well as:
* GRIB viewer (wind & ocean currents).
* Easy interface with Raster or Vector charts.
* Optimized routing to save time and avoid potentially hazardous weather.
* Detailed AIS table and overlay with targets & target data shown on chart.
About Interstate Sailing:
- Started in 2012, Interstate Sailing is owned and operated by Anson Mulder. Anson has been professionally involved in yachting since 2000 and has been working extensively with Expedition sailing software since 2006. A brief resume includes:
* Sailmaker at North Sails Ft Lauderdale 2000-2002
* Salesman at North Sails Ft Lauderdale 2002-2013
* Yacht skipper, USCG Master License 2013-current
* Professional sailor, campaign manager, & racing instructor 2000-current
* Several major regatta wins as tactician/navigator throughout East Coast, Great Lakes, & Caribbean.
Why work with Interstate Sailing?
- By purchasing your Expedition software license through Interstate Sailing, you will have access to our years of experience with the software, as well as the following key benefits:
* Knowledge about interfacing with various instrument systems and computers, including techniques for calibration and repeating Expedition data on tablets & phones.
* Experience using Expedition sailing software in the real world to improve racing & cruising performance.
* We are happy to offer in person or online tutorials and customized 'Cheat Sheets' to help get you up to speed. (We strongly recommend the North U Webinar Series with Peter Isler and the Kindle book: 'Modern Race Navigation' by Will Oxley for beginners, but even with these great resources you are sure to have questions!)
* We are fluent with Race Replay - a fantastic tool to take your performance analysis to the highest level.
Please Contact Us for pricing and further details about Expedition sailing software.
Copyright 2012 Interstate Sailing. All rights reserved.
Interstate Sailing Incorporated